by Launch Protect

Airline travel is brutal on the body and sleep, especially when you travel cross country or internationally because of the different time zones. Below are travel tips to help you cope with jet lag because nobody wants to feel sluggish on a vacation or work trip.

Staying hydrated is very important because the humidity level drops really low on an airplane. Dehydration can make jet lag symptoms worse so be sure to stay away from consuming alcohol and caffeine as these can further dehydrate you and affect your sleep.

Many people overlook the simple way to regulate blue light exposure to deal with jet lag. Blue light effects your sleep and wake cycle so regulating blue light exposure may help you adjust to your destination. Wear blue light glasses to watch movies on the plane or having a blue light screen protector on your mobile device can help limit your exposure.

Sleep is very important to help with your jet lag. If it’s night time at your destination, try going to sleep on the plane. You can try using earplugs, noise-canceling headphones, and eye masks to help block out noise and light.

Adjusting to your new schedule can also help with your jet lag. Set your watch to the new time zone before you leave. Once you reach your destination, try not to sleep until the local nighttime, no matter how tired you are. Also, try to time your meals with the local mealtimes.